By: Achour Meguenni / Oct 08 2023

Dropcap in Css using the ::first-letter pseudo-element selector

Have you ever used the ::first-letter pseudo selector with font-size to style the first letter of a paragraph and it didn’t look right?

Instead of using font-size use this new simple yet useful css property.

The initial-letter property allows you to specify the size of the initial letter, in terms of how many lines it occupies, and the number of lines it should sink.


.dropcap::first-letter {
  color: red;
  initial-letter: 3 3;
  padding: 0px 10px;


<p class="dropcap">
  Debitis venenatis pretium aliquip do cum labore eum enim! Diam! Class veniam.
  Aliquam facilisi nisi nonummy cupidatat do voluptates diamlorem inceptos dui
  magni parturient dignissimos aute eum consequat.



Achour Meguenni

Passionate tech enthusiast and a self-taught web developer.

Achour Meguenni

Passionate tech enthusiast and a self-taught web developer.